i am lizzy dugger and this is my website

Hello and welcome. You may know me as Lizzy Dugger (well known on lizzydugger.com).

This will be my digital portfolio, as an aspiring animater and artist this will allow me to keep everything together in a way that looks how I want and can be updated as I see fit. Everything on here has been designed and coded by me(with the help of Nathan Boehm). I have tried to make it user friendly on all devices but if you notice any issues dont be afraid to contact me with the find me button.

About Me

I am currently a senior in high school preparing to go to college for digital animation. I have been doing art for my whole life and have been animating for nearly 4 years. Art has brought comfort to my life and has given me an outlet for my emotions and experiences. My first public animation was uploded to youtube Jan 1, 2020, this peice was animated on 3 frames per second and was just a silly audio I wanted to take my spin on, while not technically skilled at the time, this was really fun to me, and it felt like I could use motion pictures to make my own worlds.

After my first video I started to research animation and learn about the Principles of Animation to make my motion more fluid and natural. On Sep 28, 2020, I posted my first video to use lip-syncing and voice over. This video was what I felt to be a turning point in my animation as it made me realize that I can animate people and characters. After this I started to add my own music into my animations to make them feel more personal to me.

i have a crush on nathan